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The Center for Sustainability 致力于为艾格尼丝·斯科特社区提供一个了解全球气候变化挑战的场所,并在校园内外就可持续发展的创新解决方案进行合作.

Agnes Scott is a charter signatory of the American College & University Presidents' Climate Commitment (ACUPCC) and currently is a Climate Commitment green college. 这意味着,自2007年以来,学院一直致力于减少温室气体排放,并为校园社区成员提供他们成为可持续发展倡导者所需的工具. 学院的工作以气候行动计划为指导,目标是到2037年达到碳中和. As of the 2017-2018 academic year, the campus carbon footprint was reduced by 30 percent, with a target of 50 percent reduction by the end of the 2021-2022 school year.

如果没有阿格尼斯·斯科特社区以及迪凯特和整个亚特兰大大都会的合作伙伴的全力支持,该中心的工作是不可能的. On campus, 大部分可持续发展工作由设施办公室和公平与包容中心分担, as well as with faculty who teach courses related to sustainability. This shows the true intersectionality of sustainability, which is one of the reasons the Center brings together so many students, staff, and faculty on this liberal arts college campus.

Here are some of the current areas of focus for the Center for Sustainability:

Climate Resilience

Agnes Scott's sustainability task force posing for a photo.

With the City of Decatur, Agnes Scott will complete a community Climate Resilience Plan in 2020. We have been recognized as one of the only colleges in the U.S. to have a plan that involves the surrounding community. Our team is committed to ensuring that all sustainability programs, including the Climate Resilience Plan, have equitable outcomes. Specific equitable outcomes anticipated with this plan include broad community input, 在迪凯特,所有收入水平的人都可以使用应急响应计划和设施, 以及具体的能源效率和可再生能源项目,使迪凯特大学社区和服务不足的人群受益.

Environmental Justice

agnes Scott students talking while standing near large bags of recycled items.

- Across campus, students, 教职员工正在努力确保有色人种社区和服务不足的社区能够获得有关环境挑战解决方案的信息和援助, including climate change. 从主持“妇女参与环境正义”会议,到成为节能推广项目的孵化器,再到在能源负担沉重的社区开展工作, 艾格尼丝·斯科特(Agnes Scott)正在努力确保社会公正是每次关于校园内外可持续发展的对话的核心.

Green College Building

Two Agnes Scott students diverting waste by recycling items into bins

In 2008, 艾格尼丝·斯科特校董会通过了一项决议,所有的新建筑和翻新校园 must meet the standards of LEED Silver or greater. 这一指导方针在绿色建筑的可持续性改造中发挥了关键作用. As each major renovation is designed and implemented, all aspects of sustainability are carefully considered, with a special focus on energy and water efficiency. LEED, Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design, is the green building certification program managed by the U.S. Green Building Council that recognizes best-in-class building strategies and practices. Currently, the college has three LEED-certified buildings: Alumnae House – Silver, Campbell Hall - Gold 3 and Rebekah Hall - Platinum. 目前主厅的校园建筑改造项目有望达到LEED银级或更高.

Waste Diversion

Agnes Scott students recycling.

学院努力实现零废物(将90%的废物流从传统的垃圾填埋场转移出去),通过再利用和修复来促进废物减少 waste diversion through recycling and composting. 我们努力实现这一目标的方法之一是通过与设施办公室和管理人员合作,确保校园社区了解哪些材料应该放在哪里以及为什么这些材料很重要. 我们转移废物的另一种方式是通过我们与当地非营利组织“难回收材料中心”的合作,该组织致力于鼓励重复利用和转移数千磅的危险废物, 来自亚特兰大市区垃圾填埋场和供水系统的大块垃圾和其他难以回收的物品.

Student Involvement

 一群学生志愿者专注于让艾格尼丝·斯科特(Agnes Scott)摆出绿色的大学姿势拍照.

学生的参与对可持续发展中心使命的成功至关重要. There are internships, 中心为学生提供勤工俭学和志愿者的机会,学生工作人员在任何学期都占中心工作人员的50%以上. 每个学生在中心的具体工作将取决于学生的兴趣和需求, as well as the current needs of the college. 一些来自学生工作的创新可持续性项目的例子是校园可持续食品采购政策, designation as a Bee Campus USA, 这是一个绿色建筑视频系列,使用LEED对丽贝卡大厅的改造作为教学工具,并创建了一个“健康办公室”项目. 此外,每年的温室气体清单都是由学生实习生计算的.


Here are several other opportunities for student involvement offered by the Center:

Environmental Resident Program (ER) -这是一个与可持续发展和住宿生活中心的合作项目,学生在他们的宿舍和校园社区中担任可持续发展大使.  Environmental Residents promote environmentally conscious living, have meaningful conversations in their living spaces, and plan interactive programming.

Student Green Fee Fund -与学生政府协会的合作使艾格尼丝·斯科特的学生能够在可持续发展中心和学生参与中心的支持下解决可持续发展问题. 一个由学生领导的小组指导为校园内各种可持续发展倡议提供资金的决定, including student organization sustainability events, sustainability equipment upgrades and small-scale sustainability research projects.

Sustainability Points of Pride

Amount of building square footage heated and cooled by geothermal HVAC, the most efficient and cost effective method available.
我们的5个太阳能电池阵列产生的1 / 4兆瓦的太阳能可以使许多家庭脱离电网.
8 years
From 2012 to 2019 Agnes Scott has been named a Tree Campus USA! 该项目旨在表彰那些有效管理树木并吸引学生的学院和大学校园. The campus is also a certified Morton Arboretum.
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